Visitor Register

|What is it?
A fully digitalized, crimes deterrent, secure, reliable and highly effective to serve the purpose it is designed for. Replaces the outdated manual way of registering visitors. Keeps the safe holding of the records of all visitors in case of emergencies. Detects visitor’s anomaly, visitors information travels with them where they go, and they are no longer required to present identification each time they visit.
Based on the evidential data, it is proven that anyone with a criminal intentions will not commit any type of serious crime if their information is correctly logged. Manual registration is most likely to contain wrong information, this is why SMS visitor is an effective tool to close such gap. Moreover SMS by KeyTech counts for all the pending visitors inside the premises in case of emergency evacuation.
  Desktop application with web accessibility
  Contains all you need to process a visitor
  Designed to ask the right questions
  Ensures the correct procedure is always followed
  Functions in a logical manner
  Ensure visitor information is correctly entered
  Crime deterrent
  Gives information on visitor anomaly.
  Faster processing time
  Counts for every visitor for emergency situations.
  Your information travels with you
  Vehicle Search And Authorization Capability
  Free Cloud Backup
  User Friendly
  Environment Friendly
SMS provides eco-friendly, environment-friendly and error free Smart Multi-Purpose Solutions. With our technology, you will have full control of visitor screening process with the most accurate results. Our touch screen system makes it easier to use and accelerate the process of entering data. Pre-approved visitors can easily be accessed and searched through the system. Our software can also be customized to meet organizational requirements making it suitable for all industries. It can be used in commercial & residential buildings, hospitalities, industrial sites, embassies, consulates, hospitals, government entities, educational institutions and at any place where complete security is needed.

You may want to request your visitor to sign-in before entry.

  • Topaz T-S460-HSB-R

For a quick authentication and to avoid manual typing error, it is recommended to use any of the hardware listed.

  • HID OMNIKEY 3121
  • Sagem MorphoSmart 1350

For a quick authentication and to avoid manual typing error, it is recommended to use the hardware listed.

  • 3M

It is a mandatory requirement to archive documents such as NOC certificate, Authorization letter, ID, Work permit etc.

  • Any Brand

You may want to request from your personal or business visitors to have their photo taken the first and one time only for the record before entry.

  • Any Brand

It is not mandatory requirement. It can only be used for the operators to log in biometrically instead of manually using user name and password.

  • ZKTeco ZK4500

At SMS by KeyTech Ltd, we believe that security and facility management should be a straightforward and uncomplicated process. It should deliver efficiency, accountability, and consistency. SMS by KeyTech promises to not only revolutionize current security and facility procedures but also establishes a new standard within the industry. The value provided by our services and solutions will allow you to compete at unrivalled levels.

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